Welcome to Hollandia!

Whether you are a seasoned player or a beginner, we are happy to have you!


Registration for the Outdoor 2025 season is open!

 Hollandia offers Development, City, and Alliance programming for youth soccer players in our zone. 


Development League - U7 & U9

There is no tiering or selection process, but our technical committee will attempt to balance the teams to create a competitive balance. Training sessions are usually twice weekly, in groups rather than individual teams. Accommodating requests to play with friends is a priority.


Alliance League - U11 - U19 

Alliance B1 and B2

The Alliance B division is divided into B1 and B2 groups. Players seeking a spot in the Alliance B league must be evaluated and placed in either B1 or B2 according to their development status and experience. This program has higher costs than the City Rec League, and participants must attend at least two weekly practices. Coaches are appropriately certified. There is no assurance that friends will play on the same team.

Alliance A 

Having opted for the Alliance evaluation, the most experienced and competent players are invited to the Alliance A teams. Players must attend at least two practices per week. The environment is more demanding, and they will be proficient in the game. There is no assurance that friends will play on the same team.


City Rec League - U11 - U19

Designed for those requiring a less demanding environment, the City Rec League provides a lower-cost program with one weekly practice. Beginner players, those needing time to develop or those sampling various sports often prefer the City Rec League program. Players are invited to attend one weekly practice. Coaches must satisfy the criteria required for their particular age group. Players choosing this option do not need to sign up for evaluations, and teams are balanced to create fairness in competition. Requests to play with friends are given priority.


Saskatoon Alliance Prairie Soccer League (PSL)

The Saskatoon Alliance U15-U17 program is ran and operated by Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. More information can be found on their website here



  • Alliance League evaluations are tentatively scheduled for March 22 & 23. Development & City League balancing sessions are tentatively scheduled for March 29. View the schedule here

  • ALL outstanding fees from previous seasons must be paid before registering for the Outdoor 2025 season. If you have an outstanding balance, please contact operations@hollandiasoccer.ca to make payment arrangements
  • Registration payments in RAMP are by credit card only. For all other payment options, please make arrangements by contacting operations@hollandiasoccer.ca.
  • Financial assistance may be available. More information on applying for various programs can be found here
  • Volunteer Deposit Policy - A deposit of $150 per player will be added at time of registration. Volunteer opportunities will be available throughout the season. Those who fulfill the minimum volunteer requirement will be eligible for a RAMP credit at the end of the season. More details here.
  • There will be a $50 late fee added to all registrations submitted after March 15.


Age Group



# of Games

Game Times

Game Format


Under 7



8 games

U7 Boys - Mon       

U7 Girls - Tues

Possibility of Fri for all



Under 9



8 games

U9 Boys - Wed     

U9 Girls - Thurs   

Possibility of Fri for all               

5v5, inc. GK


Under 11



8 games

No Playoffs

No Standings


Possibility of Fri/Sat for all



Under 11




10 games

No Playoffs

No Standings

U11 Boys A - Mon

U11 Boys B1 - Tues

U11 Boys B2 - Wed

U11 Girls A - Mon

U11 Girls B1 - Tues

U11 Girls B2 - Wed

Possibility of Fri/Sat/Sun for all

7v7, 1/2 field


Under 13



8 games + 1 final


Possibility of Fri/Sat for all

7v7, 1/2 field


Under 13




10 games + 1 final

U13 Boys A - Wed

U13 Boys B1 - Tues

U13 Boys B2 - Thurs

U13 Girls A - Wed

U13 Girls B1 - Tues

U13 Girls B2 - Thurs

Possibility of Fri/Sat/Sun for all

9v9, 1/2 field


Under 15



8 games + 1 final


Possibility of Fri/Sat for all

7v7, 1/2 field


Under 15




10 games + 1 final

U15 Boys B1 - Tues

U15 Boys B2 - Thurs

U15 Girls B1 - Mon

U15 Girls B2 - Wed

Possibility of Fri/Sat/Sun for all

11v11, full field





8 games + 1 final


Possibility of Fri/Sat for all

7v7, 1/2 field






10 games + 1 final

U17-U19 Boys B1 - Mon

U17-U19 Boys B2 - Wed

U17-U19 Girls B1 - Tues

U17-U19 Girls B2 - Thurs

Possibility of Fri/Sat/Sun for all

11v11, full field

***In case of discrepancies, the fees and dates specified in RAMP will be considered official


Uniform Kits 

If your player did not play in the 2024/2025 Indoor season, please select the uniform kit package in RAMP at time of registration ($65). If your player did play with Hollandia for the 2024/2025 Indoor season, they will continue to use the same uniform. It is theirs to keep! 

A Uniform Kit includes: Orange game jersey, Blue practice jersey, Blue shorts, Blue socks

The kit can be used for the next 3 seasons. If the uniform is not well kept or damaged, you will be asked to replace it sooner.

Uniform kits will be distributed before the first league game. 


Refund Policy

Should things change after you have registered, our refund policy will be in effect as follows: 

  • During the online registration period: $20 administration fee withheld
  • After registration closes and up to end of evaluations: $50 withheld
  • After evaluations and prior to team placement: $150 withheld
  • After team placement announcement: No refund

All refund requests must be made in writing to operations@hollandiasoccer.ca



What costs are associated with soccer?
  • Registration Fees are a set amount assessed to cover the costs of registering a team with Saskatoon Youth Soccer, technical staff, field rental costs, uniform costs, and other administrative fees. Administrative fees are assessed at a percentage of the SYSI, and technical costs cover equipment, team management systems, and all other costs of running the club. 
  • Team Fees are determined by your Team Manager after consulting with the parents and coaching staff at the initial team meeting. Fees may include tournament fees, team social events, extra field time, coach appreciation gifts, etc. 
  • A Volunteer Deposit of $150 per player is charged at registration as a motivator to action. After the minimum 3 volunteer hours are fulfilled, the deposit will be applied as RAMP credit and can be used toward future registrations. If the minimum volunteer hours are not completed, the deposit will not be credited.
  • A Uniform Kit will need to be purchased for players that did not play with Hollandia for the Indoor 2024/25 season. 





We often get requests from parents wanting their children to participate in multiple soccer programs. We do not recommend this, and here's why.
We recommend that players pick and focus on one program in the interest of their physical and mental well-being and our obligation to protect them from injury and mental distress.
A player participating in the SYSI Alliance system gets access to two club practices, at least one game, and access to the Alliance Academy. That constitutes three to five soccer activities per week. When you add in tournaments and school soccer in the fall, the load is not healthy.
In addition, many players are active in school sports or other activities. We believe that youth players must balance soccer with different activities such as academics, trying other sports, family time, and, most importantly, just being a kid and having fun with friends.
From a club perspective, too, we prefer to work with players who are not stressed out trying to fulfil various commitments, and we would encourage parents to consider the effect of having to satisfy multiple coaches, each with their own agenda, often unwilling to work with the Hollandia coach to balance loads. 
For example, if a player plays four to five tournament games with one organization over a weekend and then has to play a league game on Monday, the risk of injury and burnout increases exponentially. The phrase "Less is often More" is often discussed in player development circles.



Additional Information & Policies










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