Hollandia uses a Player-centric Developmental Philosophy in line with the Canadian Soccer Association’s recommended Long Term Player Development (LTPD) model, rather than a Results-based Philosophy. While we recognize that winning is important, it is not THE most important part of our philosophy. Our philosophy puts the development of the individual player at the forefront, until players reach the Training to Compete Stage (U15-U19 Female/U16-U20 Male) at which time team development takes precedence. The following policies and procedures are designed to promote compliance with LTPD philosophy.


Continuous Evaluation

Hollandia’s technical staff evaluates and monitors all club players consistently and continuously during the indoor season, and as much as feasibly possible during the outdoor season. Continuous evaluation of players during the indoor season allows for seamless transition to the outdoor season and is beneficial to players who are observed in familiar environments, rather than in short evaluation sessions.

Technical staff conduct these evaluations by watching games, talking with coaches, and being present on team benches during games where players may be discussed with coaches. Technical staff shall also make use of skills sessions and academy training to evaluate players.


Formal Player Evaluations

Towards the end of each season, every team coach shall provide a formal appraisal of each player using the Hollandia player evaluation form. At this time team coaches are asked to recommend any players who they think should be elevated to a higher division.

Each team coach shall also provide each player a written evaluation of their performance in the following areas: Technical Ability, Tactical Ability, Physical Attributes, and Psychological Attributes. The Director of Coaching and the Club Head Coach shall train team coaches in the proper delivery of such evaluations and feedback. Team coaches shall use a simple form provided by Hollandia to deliver player evaluations.


Evaluations - Formation of Teams

The Hollandia evaluation prior to the start of the season is used to place players in a situation where they will thrive and learn. We don’t spend a lot of time on drills, but observe skills in enjoyable games. Once evaluations are done, our technical staff and liaisons work together to create teams. You will receive an email advising you on which team players have been placed.


Indoor Team Formation

In or around September of each year, complete formal player evaluations are conducted by placing players in game situations. The technical staff are in charge of the process and shall select coaches to assist in the process. Coaches who have children in the age group being evaluated are required to excuse themselves from discussions involving their child or children.

Team placements are typically sent out around early September


Outdoor Team Formation

In or around March of each year, a smaller player evaluation is held by placing players in game situations. The main purpose of the mini-evaluation is to identify the placement of new players and players who have been recommended by team coaches to be moved to a different division. A full evaluation at this time is not necessary because of the continual evaluation process.

Team placements are typically sent out around early-April.


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